Tuesday, October 22, 2024  

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I'm going to try to keep this updated... but, well, if you're really interested in a daily devotional, you can just email me at RDymmel@AOL.com and say, "Hey. I'd like to try your daily email for 2 weeks." I'll send it for about 2 weeks and then expect to hear from you, "Yea" or "Nah." Or I may contact you to get a responce if I don't hear from you.   It's free, like everything we send out.   RDymmel@aol.com.

Changed my mind. There is no need to archive all my daily thoughts here. But here's an extensive sample of what to expect of you join my daily email list.

4/22/07 - Sun - An Alternative for Sunday

4/22 -  An Alternative for Sunday


If you're not going to go to church on Sunday... well, this isn't a real good substitute, but maybe it can be part of a day of worship for you. Try to catch one of the good TV preachers... John Hagee, Paul Willis from Cathedral of His Glory in Greensboro,  or radio... Greg Laurie - Living On The Edge, Ravi Zacharias - Let My People Think - speaks on many college campuses, ... If we lived in Dallas we'd probably attend Tony Evans' church. His radio broadcast is called the Alternative. There are several really good ones. On the radio, and you can get the radio schedules at places like

www.830wtru.com   -  830 and 1030 am radio

www.bbnradio.org   - 95.5fm in GSO, 92.5 in Raleigh, 10 stations in NC alone. Good preachers + Adventures in Odyssey and Focus On The Family programs

www.klove.com  will find one of their local radio stations or you can listen online, it's all music. (107.6fm radio in Raleigh/Greensboro/and into VA, 99.9 in High Point, 5 in NC, 1 in VA, 5 in PA)

www.wbfj.fm has stations around NC, is all music during the week, and a couple speakers on the weekend. (Alternative Christian rock music on Fri and Sat night for a couple hours.) (103.5fm in GSO)


And... Got 5 minutes? this is a good web site. a 4 ½ minute "movie." Hope it blesses you today.





"Designed to be a meditative experience for the viewer, the May You Be Blessed movie is yours to use. It is my gift to you, from one heart to another, and I not only encourage you to view the movie frequently as a reminder of all the good in your own life, but to pass it along to others, so they, too, may be blessed."



This one is 3 ½ minutes, less than 4 minutes including the download time. I've bought it and attached it for you to see and hear. I've included the text here if you just want to read it. Me, his voice is superb to listen to, the video show is cool. (Here's the web site if you want to buy it. AOL won't let me upload anything bigger than 16 MB and the video is 49MB, but I can send it to you on a CD.   Ooo! :-( I can upload it to the CrimsonWhite.org website under devotionals! ... Hmmm. Can't seem to get it to upload. Ask and I'll snail-mail it on a CD.)




That's My King! 3:32

S. M. Lockridge


The Bible says my King is the King of the Jews

He's the King of Israel

He's the King of Righteous

He's the King of the Ages

He's the King of Heaven

He's the King of Glory

He's the King of Kings

and He's the Lord of Lords

That's my King


I wonder do you know Him?


My King is a Sovereign King

No means of measure can define His limitless love

He's enduringly strong

He's entirely sincere

He's eternally steadfast

He's immortally graceful

He's imperially powerful

He's impartially merciful


Do you know Him?


He's the greatest phenomenon that has ever crossed the horizon of this world

He's God's Son

He's a sinner's Savior

He's the Centerpiece of civilization

He's unparalleled

He's unprecedented

He's the loftiest idea in literature

He's the highest personality in philosophy

He's the fundamental doctrine of true theology

He's the only one qualified to be an all sufficient savior


I wonder if you know Him today?


He supplies strength for the weak

He's available for the tempted and the tried

He sympathizes and He saves

He strengthens and sustains

He guards and He guides

He heals the sick

He cleansed the lepers

He forgives sinners

He discharges debtors

He delivers the captive

He defends the feeble

He blesses the young

He serves the unfortunate

He regards the aged

He rewards the diligent

and He beautifies the meager


I wonder if you know Him?


He's the key to knowledge

He's the wellspring of wisdom

He's the doorway of deliverance

He's the pathway of peace

He's the roadway of righteousness

He's the highway of holiness

He's the gateway of Glory


Do you know Him?


Well, His life is matchless

His goodness is limitless

His mercy is everlasting

His love never changes

His word is enough

His grace is sufficient

His reign is righteous

and His yoke is easy

and His burden is light


I wish I could describe Him to ya, yes,

He's indescribable

He's incomprehensible

He's invincible

He's irresistible

You can't get Him out of your mind

You can't get Him off of your hand

You can't outlive Him

and you can't live without Him


Well, the Pharisees couldn't stand Him

They found out they couldn't stop Him

Pilot couldn't find any fault in Him

Herod couldn't kill Him

Death couldn't handle Him

and the grave couldn't hold Him.


That's my King!

That's my King!

A favorite of mine is the link to the video on Fri., 9/8.  - If you have never read the book Left Behind, after seeing this 1 video, you should read it. I have a couple copies I can loan, also the VHS and DVD versions (are not as good as the book, I don't think).

9/8/06 - Fri - Chills

This was sent to me by Susan on Saturday. Really cool! It's a 58 second video. It should remind you of a book... actually two books.


This will give you chills.  Just Awesome!!!!

Volume up....




9/15/06 - Fri - Laws


    Laws... Often laws restrict us - You are to limit your speed to 55 mph ... No Turn on Red 3pm to 5pm ... In fact I just got another email today from The ACLJ (American Center for Law & Justice) about a court case. The ACLU wants to use law to restrict military Chaplains from praying "In Jesus name." It has come to the House passing a law specifically allowing it and now the Senate is to debate the law. Laws can say "No" and laws can say "Go ahead and do it."

Archived files are MSWord files in Office XP format
File name indicates year then month - 051001 ... 10to12-05 is 2005 starting at October 1 ... October to December 2005
Each file contains from a couple days to 6 months of daily E-devotionals. There are a few photos in some that make for much larger files. (And since I'm the Grampa and this is my web site, I can include what I want.)

030102-EDailyDevotional-1to7-03                 1143k

030708-EDailyDevotional-7to12-03               1424k

040101-EDailyDevotional-1to5-04                 1307k

040601-EDailyDevotional-06to11-04             1082k

041201-EDailyDevotional-12to12-04             2659k   incl Lauren's cookie sale picture

041203-EDailyDevotional-12to12-04             1773k   incl Lauren's cookie sale sign picture

041205-EDailyDevotional-12to12-04             629k

050103-EDailyDevotional-01to04-05             1298k

050501-EDailyDevotional-05to09-05             1029k

051001-EDailyDevotional-10to12-05             658k

060101-EDailyDevotional-01to03-06             680k

060401-EDailyDevotional-04to06-06             1014k

060701-EDailyDevotional-07to07-06             1235k

060801-EDailyDevotional-08to08-06             454k

060901-EDailyDevotional-09to09-06             1715k   incl pictures of grandkids on dump trucks

060925-EDailyDevotional-09to09-06             2061k   incl pics of new grandchild, Nicole
061001-EDailyDevotional-10to10-06             1865k

061101-EDailyDevotional-11to11-06             388k

061201-EDailyDevotional-12to12-06             370k

061202-EDailyDevotional-12to12-06-OldChristmasMusic 52k  

   This has a couple commentaries about "old" Christmas carols and how they caused quite a lot of commotion in the church

   If this interests you about "church music," you may also be interested in watts_Isaac_articles

   and also "The Music Wars" - Voice of Prophesy, October 2000  Music - VOP-Oct00 (156k) 22 page radio editorial over 2 weeks of broadcasts. Really good. Doesn't take sides, just talks about the battles churches do over music.)

070101-DailyEDevotional-01to__-07             119k  This is only part of January. Will update when I have time.

Changed my mind. There is no need to archive all my daily thoughts here. But here's an extensive sample of what to expect of you join my daily email list.




1/2 - New Year (2)


   One of the regular emails I receive, and haven't read much of lately, he gave me permission to reprint his stuff several years ago, when I read several yesterday, this paragraph seemed to jump out to me.


Stonebridge Newsletter, (Number 318), 1/1/07
Kenneth L. Pierpont
We've a new fresh year ahead of us all smooth and unspoiled like a new journal without a word in it yet.  We have people to love and days to invest.  We have the truth of God with which we can affect the eternal destinies of people around us.


   What will you write on this year? There could be graduation for some on the horizon. That will mean finding a job, relocating maybe and that will mean making new acquaintances, finding a new church to attend, lots of new choices and possibilities.

   Some may be getting married. - A little over a week ago we attended a wedding; he is now all moved in with her I would expect and they are starting the new year as a new person (Genesis 2:24, "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.") The census department still counts them as two, but they are merged, become a new "one." Marriage and all that goes with it is a mystery, spiritual bonding. It's more than two people sharing a room, apartment, or house.

   Maybe you want to read through the whole Bible this year. ... At our church, this coming weekend, starting Thursday and ending Sunday morning, we are taking turns reading and will read through the entire Bible from the pulpit. ... Or like me, I'm listening through the Bible; bought it on CD.

   Maybe ... I just heard a commercial in the TV about his wife who died at age 46, from smoking. "Died at 46. I never thought of 23 as middle age." ... Maybe you need to write in this year that you quit smoking, or alcohol, or whatever. - Me, I had lost 15 pounds, then from Thanksgiving to Christmas put 6 back on. So I intend to get my discipline back on and get back to getting my weight back on track. The weight loss, and maybe some stress reduction, has got my blood pressure almost under control.

   Maybe you need to get "regular" in your worship experience. The school I will start teaching at in two weeks requires that students and their family attend church with 80% regularity.

   Maybe you need to (like me) trust more in His ability to run the universe. - I keep trying to take charge, or at least worry about things, even though I keep trying to let Him run everything. - I just went browsing through a stack of small cards on my shelf looking for a verse and found more than I was originally looking for. Here's a couple verses that may help remind you (and me) if this is an area you need reminding about: Matthew 6:34 "Do not be anxious for tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself." And Matthew 11:28 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." And Romans 15:13 "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you truest in him." And Psalm 3:5 "I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me."


   Have a great day, trusting Him to help you write good things in this year.





1/3 - New Year (3)

   Philippians 3:13 should make you ponder. It might make you think of things from the past that would drag you down, and you consciously decide to leave them. It should make you smile with anticipation of the adventure God has planned ahead for you.

   This morning I looked at that verse in 6 translations. Each has just a slight nuance of variations in a word... do, focus, forgetting, past, behind, looking forward, straining toward, reaching, God is beckoning. - I like that last one... "... but I've got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus." "Beckoning." ... Like, "Come on... you can do it... this way..." He's already there, and He urges us to follow and encourages us. "This way. Leave that behind. This is the better path over here."

   Need a new goal? Need a new direction? Need to leave something behind? Focus on the leader... Jesus. ... Not just trying to "act" like Jesus. Not just to do good things and treat people right. ... I have a short 15 minute video where he talks about what it meant in the 1st century to be a disciple. It meant to try to be just like, in act, in thought, in every way, like the teacher; to become a clone. - Jesus was walking on the water... Peter wanted to be just like his teacher. "If you tell me I can walk on the water, I'll do it." Jesus said, "Come on," and Peter stepped out of the boat. And did it! He walked on the water! (That's Rich's paraphrase of Matthew 14:28-29.) ... Is your goal to be like Jesus? Not to walk on water, although that might be pretty cool... but to have the "mind of Christ," to think like Jesus.



13No, dear brothers and sisters, I am still not all I should be, but I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, 


13Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 


13Brothers and sisters, I know that I have not yet reached that goal, but there is one thing I always do. Forgetting the past and straining toward what is ahead, 


13Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, 


13Brothers, I do not£ consider myself to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead,


13Friends, don't get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I've got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. 


Daily Encounter ~
Monday, January 1, 2007  
Know God: http://www.Got-God.net/know_god1.htm
By Richard Innes. Published and (c)
by ACTS International http://www.actsweb.org

         * * * * * * *


Today's Daily Encounter

1. I-A-D-O-M


"Forgetting what is past ... I press on toward the goal."1


    It's an old saying but still appropriate as we commence another New Year: "Today is the first day of the rest of your life."

    For better or worse, last year is gone forever—even though many of its effects will live on forever. However, we can't go back and do what we should or could have done. And we can't undo those things we regret having done any more than we can un-ring a bell.
    But the good news is that, if we are so inclined or determined, we can put the past behind us and accept the New Year as a new opportunity to grow emotionally and spiritually, to serve God and our fellow man, and to achieve something worthwhile that will last for time and eternity.
    I am encouraged because I know God has a purpose for your life and mine this year--something to live for that is bigger than we are that makes life worth living.
    We serve God by serving people and sometimes this task, because of the great needs people have, can seem overwhelming. However, God has a part for every one of us and if we each play our part and work together, we can get God's work done and we can each make a difference in somebody's life and therein help make our world a better place in which to live.
    Frank McInnes wrote, "During World War II, the munitions factory at Lithgow in
Australia had as its motto five letters: I-A-D-O-M! Large posters with these letters printed on them were placed throughout the factory in strategic places.
    And what did I-A-D-O-M stand for? "It All Depends On Me!"
    Let's work together this year to do God's work and share his love and good news with more of our fellow countrymen than ever before. With God's help and a willing spirit we can each have a very fruitful and productive year. And remember, as Henry Van Dyke put it: "What you possess in the world will be found at the day of your death to belong to someone else. But what you are will be yours forever."

    Suggested prayer: "Dear God, I am available. Please make me usable and use me this year to be a part of what you are doing in the world today--the privilege for which I am truly thankful. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus' name, amen."

1. Philippians 3:13.




2. To Know God and be sure you're a real Christian without having to be religious click on:  http://tinyurl.com/8glq9  (or cut and paste the URL in your browser).


1/4 - New Year (4) Restored


   Yesterday I was talking about Peter a bit... you know, "step over the side of the boat and walked on the water!!"-Peter. This same guy, who was so focused, who was so into being a disciple, who was SO trying to learn to be like his teacher, this is the guy when he was in the courtyard said, "I don't know the guy!" (Matthew 26:71-74, "...to curse and to swear, saying, I know not the man."

   But then later, he put that behind him, and it was Peter who was on fire and preached Jesus. - One fall, one slip, doesn't condemn you, it doesn't make you useless. - DC Talk has a lyric that goes, "What if I stumble? What if I fall? What if I make fools of us all? Will the love continue?" Yea, it does. He is a God of second chances. The Bible is FULL of people who fell and made come-backs.

   Samson... a judge (ruler) over Israel for 20 years. He is best known for (a) his chain breaking strength... and... (b) for his fooling around with and then being betrayed by Delilah. - A stupid guy. She asked him the secret of his strength, he made up three stories, she tied him up, turned him over to the Philistines 3 times and he broke free each time. And she pleaded with him a 4th time. She was a ... a lying, deceitful, scheming gal. But I bet she was a "looker" and stupid Sampson, he wanted the attention (and etc.) of a good looking woman. She must have had something to keep him, ‘cause it sure wasn't character or loyalty or anything like that. And he eventually broke his vow to God. They bound him, gouged out his eyes, and had him grinding flour at a mill stone. And then they brought him out to mock him. He prayed for his super-human strength from God one last time, and pulled down the temple and killed thousands of the enemy with himself when it collapsed on top of him. (Judges 13-16. In Ch 14 his parents indulge him and Samson goes after women he shouldn't and his parents let him do what he wants. He kills 30 men in a rage over a bet he lost. Ch.16 he visits a prostitute and then meets Delilah)

   So, even when you mess up this year, is it all over between you and God, for you to be close to God or to be used by God. Look through the Bible. It is FULL of flawed characters like Samson. ... David... now there's another one. He lusted; abused his power; adultery; then murder to cover it up. Yet God says he is a man after God's heart... He recognizes he messed up and sinned, confesses, and seeks to restore his relationship with God.

   Messing up is not "the end." Get restored.

   You, me, we will mess up this year. Keep restored.


   Have a blessed day.



1/5 - New Year (5) Stand In The Gap

   It was a couple of years ago that Promise Keepers held the "Stand In The Gap" rally on the Mall in Washington D.C. and a bus load of us went. It was awesome! A million men, praying, and listening to the speakers. I have the aerial picture. Wow!

    But it doesn't have to be a million men. It doesn't have to be three. This verse in Ezekial says God sought "A man to stand in the gap before me."

    To "stand in the gap" means that you go between the opening. To stand in the gap means that you take up a position and pray for someone. I have what I call "my short list." It is stuck in the corner of the instrument panel of my van. Every time I get in the van and drive, it is my reminder to pray for those people. I am "standing in the gap" for them, mentioning them to God.

    How about you? Is there someone you are praying for? How about you decide to stand in the gap for someone this year, every day.

    Have a great day.



Daily Encounter ~
Tuesday, January 2, 2007  
Know God: http://www.Got-God.net/know_god1.htm
By Richard Innes. Published and (c)
by ACTS International http://www.actsweb.org

Happy New Year ... Joy and I wish you a God's
richest blessing throughout all of 2007.

         * * * * * * *

Today's Daily Encounter
1. The Power of One

"I [God] sought for a man [person] among them who
would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me
on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but
I found no one."1

Have you ever felt helpless in light of the seemingly
overwhelming problems we face in today's world--
either at home or abroad? The truth of the matter,
however, is that one person can make a world of
difference to at least one other person and, more
often than not, to a host of other persons.

Some time ago a friend sent the following anonymous
poem to me. I'd like to share it with you today.

    One song can spark a moment,
    One flower can wake the dream.
    One tree can start a forest,
    One bird can herald spring.
    One smile begins a friendship,
    One handclasp lifts a soul.
    One star can guide a ship at sea,
    One word can frame the goal.
    One vote can change a nation,
    One sunbeam can light a room.
    One candle can wipe out darkness,
    One laugh will conquer gloom.
    One step must start each journey,
    One word must start each prayer.
    One hope will raise our spirits,
    One touch can show you care.
    One voice can speak with wisdom,
    One heart can know what's true.
    One life can make the difference,
    You see it's up to YOU!

As another has said, "All the darkness in the world
cannot extinguish the light of one small candle." And
as Edward Everett Hale so eloquently said, "I am only
one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but
still I can do something; and because I cannot do
everything, I will not refuse to do something that I
can do."

Don't ever forget how very important you are in your
world and remember too, that "One person is very
important to God, too." Most of his work on earth has
been started by one person. God is always looking
for people who will do his work on earth. Will you be
the one he is looking for today?

Suggested prayer: "Dear God, I'm available. I want to
say yes to you today and be one you are looking for.
Please use me to be a part of your plans in what you
are doing in the world in which I live. Please show me
where I can begin. Thank you for hearing and answering
my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus' name, amen."

1. Ezekiel
22:30 (NKJV).


2. To Know God and be sure you're a real Christian
   without having to be religious click on:
   (or cut and paste the URL in your browser).



1/6 - A teaser... two


   I wrote this whole piece for today... then I decided to change and use it for the C&WC that is on my "to do" list for this weekend. So I had to search out another thought for this morning.

   So I opened up one of my "save this for another day" files. These have sometimes sat for weeks, even years a few times, before being used, and often are NEVER used. But today, the top of the file had this little "brain teaser." I am planning on using it in my math class as an "extra credit" problem. ... Okay. Here it is:


There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those that understand binary numbers and those that don't.


   Can you figure it out?

   The "10" is not "ten."

   "Ten" written "10" is representative of 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 or is actually 1*101 + 0*100.

   But "two" when written in binary numbers - "bi" means "two" and only two symbols are used, 0 and 1 - is represented by 1*21 + 0*20  which is "10" which is not "two" but "one zero."


   So now what does that have to do with anything spiritual?

   Well, there are only two (or 10 in a binary number system) kind of people in the world, Biblically speaking. There are sinners that are headed for Hell, and there are sinners that have been forgiven and have placed their faith in the blood of Jesus to redeem them.

  A lot of people want life to be like school. Some people get A's and grades from 93 to 100%. Some even get above and beyond the max required and have 102% or 105%. I've had a couple students do that. They got it all AND did some "extra credit" stuff. They were "into" learning or whatever.

   And there are those that are going to "play the system." They know that when they graduate, the diploma doesn't have their GPA printed in the corner. The star student with the 4.2 GPA gets the same diploma as the student with the 1.5 GPA. So they are going to do what they have to in order to barely get by. Just so they don't fail. And they will party all they can and do as little as possible. - Well, they don't get the most out of the experience. And the effect of that will be evident later.

   With God's "school" the grading is different. His is a simple Pass-Fail grade. And it is based on Jesus having paid the price for you. Matthew 7:22-23 reads, "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, ... 23And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." Just because you "say" you know Jesus... well, you have to know Him. You have to have built a relationship with Him.

   After making the connection, then it starts to build... or not. Like a marriage. - Way back in 1969, Marie and I, after almost 4 years of dating and getting to know about each other, got married on a Saturday. That was just the very beginning. We are a lot more "married" now than then. But that's because we have been paying attention to each other, building ties, bonding, all that. - There are other couples that start a marriage and then don't work at building "us." Sometimes they even go into a marriage with the idea already in their head that "if it doesn't work out, we'll just divorce."  They've already planned the escape route.

   There is a new book out, a excerpt was written in Christianity Today on-line (http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2007/januaryweb-only/001-22.0.html) (I think I'll post this at CrimsonWhite.org under "Articles of Interest"). John Lennon of the Beatles, had at one time said "The Beatles are more popular than Jesus." After the Beatles broke up as a music group, in 1977, John Lennon professed that he had become a Christian and was trying to witness to those around him. Yoko Ono attacked his fledgling faith and managed to turn him back to the occult. He later said he was a "born again pagan." He also said he felt like spirits would leave him and another spirit would then come and take over him. - Similar to what Jesus said in Luke 11 about getting rid of a spirit and not replacing it with the good.


   The road is narrow and few find it. (see Matthew 7:13-14). The Message words v.14, "The way to life—to God!—is vigorous and requires total attention." Don't get distracted and be careful of those that would give you directions and things that lure you off the right road.

   You are either ON the road... or you're NOT. It's a binary situation.


   Have a blessed day.



     [See the John Lennon article on the "Articles of Interest" page]





Crimson & White Ministires
4401 Wild Oak Lane
Greensboro, NC 27406
(336) 674-7564

All content ?Crimson & White Ministries 2006


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