Tuesday, October 22, 2024  

Infinite Menus, Copyright 2006, OpenCube Inc. All Rights Reserved.



Did you see the downloadable back issues? You can open them and read on-line or download and print them out.

A book... Let me add the book I assembled about a student I had to this "downloads page." I mentioned it on the home page. - - Rather than have to update links in 3 places (Home, Back Issues, and Downloads) as I revise the book, I'll just refer you back to the Home page for the link to the latest version of the book to download.
* * * * * * Book added to the site Dec 2013. ...Of interest to you, maybe, is a book I've almost finished. I decided to upload a pdf file version of the latest draft to this site. - - The book is the result of conversations with someone during the last couple months of their life.  -  Her, our, story started 10 years earlier when she walked into my Statistics class at Elon University. She got on our mailing list for the Crimson & White Connection. We had many lunch meetings where we would talk about relationships, spiritual things, and death. She got hooked into alcohol and drugs. Years past with periodic connections. She would often write "Don't give up on me." And I often wrote/emailed to her "God loves you and so do I. I promised you that I would pray for you every day." That last sentence shortened to "pfyed." Then she called one day and said, "I want what you have." Many conversations later, she professed her belief in Jesus for her eternity. Less than 3 months later, after 5 days unconscious on a ventilator, she stopped breathing and her heart stopped for the last time. She had said in those last couple months, "I could be the 'poster child' for what not to do in college. - Don't do alcohol. Don't do drugs." Melanie Manley died 10 days after her 29th birthday on March 11, 2013. This book is (a) to her memory, (b) the story of her life, and (c) as a warning to others (her wish), and (d) the story of how one of my students went from a stranger to God, to drugs and alcohol, and finally came to a saving relationship with God for Eternity. - - You can pull up the file, read it, download it, print it, even pass it on (unedited), either printed or the pdf file, with my permission.  - -  Rather than have to update links in 3 places (Home, Back Issues, and "Download), I'll just refer you back to the Home page for the link to the latest version of the book to download.

Further down this page are downloadable postcards to print and use like a track. I find people will take these and read them, maybe partly because they don't "look like a 'church' tract."

Downloadable "tract"/witness postcards

Here's a few of my favorites that I created.
These are in Adobe Acrobat pdf format. You need Acrobat Reader or Acrobat. You can download Acrobat Reader FREE from Adobe.com

Download. Print on 8 1/2 x 11 index card stock.
Reinsert the card and print on the back side.
Cut into 4 postcards.
Cary a few with you and use to start a conversation, leave with the tip at a restaurant.
(If you leave one with a tip, don't be cheap with your tip. You want them to smile and have a good feeling and maybe want to read the card. Too many "church people" will leave a tract and a really small tip - "I've shown them eternity; that should be enough of a tip.")

How to use a witness card Printing instructions and suggestions in using these cards. Scripts, an opening question, etc.

Football Huddle Trivia-4 Good conversation opener to use in the Fall. Edited 2010 to have a more direct Salvation message of John 3:16, AND on the backside has a short piece, Can you be a Christian without being 'religious'? . Use anytime with someone who's into sports.
Being a Christian is like being a Pumpkin  "Being a Christian is "like being a pumpkin... God picks you from the patch and brings you in and washes off all the dirt on the outside .... puts his light inside you to shine for all to see. It's our choice to either stay outside and rot on the vine or come inside and become something new and bright."

And "holiday theme" postcards ...
 ChristmasCandyCanesRemind Me Of Jesus, in pdf and MSWord formats, and Christmas-4Cardsin pdf and MSWord formats, are postcards that are great to carry and give to store cashiers, etc. The 4 cards have 4 different cartoons from Kartoon Knuggets - I like the magnifying glass: Magnify His name and Wise men still seek Him ones best myself along with the Candy Cane card.

 Nov 16, 06 - Thanksgiving. (pdf file or also click here for a Word file)  "Things to be thankful for (every day, not JUST on Thanksgiving) - This is a postcard that can be a useful handout/witness tool/tract, especially this time of the year.
 Thanksgiving-Student and Thanksgiving-OldTestament and Thanksgiving-StoryOfSquanto. (pdf file format) Three good postcards for Thanksgiving. A coworker had told me he was Jewish. I gave him the card with the verses from Jeremiah and 1Chronicles and said I made these up specifically with him in mind. Also in MS Word file format: Thanksgiving-Student and Thanksgiving-OldTestament and Thanksgiving-StoryOfSquanto .
Hope You Have A Happy, successful school year I mailed these out Sept 1, 06 to start the Fall season, back to school, etc. - This is a MS Word document so you should be able to edit it to put YOUR return address on it and any other short message you want... if you have MS Word, of course, or something that will read a Word file.

And "general" postcards ...
Keep the main thing the main thing Jesus reduces the Bible to three sentences
A sure thing What are the odds of flipping a penny or rolling dice? Eternity isn't a bet, a gamble. It's a sure thing.
Reasons not to wash If you took the same excuses that people use for not going to church and applied them to other important areas of life, you'd realize how inconsistent we can be in our logic. For example: Reasons Not To Wash 1. I was forced to as a child. 2. People....

Cross the Red Sea -Faith Cartoons about the Red Sea crossing and faith. There are 4 times in the Bible where the "waters parted."
 "$3 Worth of God" & "Unashamed" $3 is a quote from Swindoll. Unashamed is from a poster I copied in a teenager's room. I have searched for the author and every lead has proven unsuccessful.
 Why I Believe A 3rd graders essay on "Why I Believe In God." ".... If you don't believe in God, besides being an atheist, you will be very lonely, because your parents can't go with you everywhere, like to camp, but God can. ... I figure God put me here and He can take me back anytime He pleases."

And more specific holiday related cards ...

 Hug Day Jan 21 is an actual holiday! Check out the web site on the card. It's Biblical - Jesus hugged the children. 
Valentine I was going to buy you flowers...; If God had a refrigerator...; Bible has lots of love stories. The greatest is found in John 3:16
Here's two that particularly appropriate for this time of year. -- My "line" is, "Have you gotten any Valentine's Day cards yet? ... No? Oh, good, then I get to be first. Happly Valentine's Day." Or, "Yes? Oh, darn, I wanted to be first. Can I give you a Valentine's Day card?" Or after Valentine's Day, "Did you get too many Valentine's Day cards? ... No. Oh, good. Then I can still give you one, even if it's late?"

Valentine3a Good conversation opener to use -- I was going to buy you flowers for Valentine's Day. Then I thought, no, donuts would be better.They were. Try not to think about it ... If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it. If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it. .... Face it, He's crazy about you. ... The Bible is full of 'Valentine' stories - Isaac and Rebekah in Genesis 24 and 26; Jacob worked fourteen years for Rachel's smile in Genesis 29; and Song of Solomon is 'hot stuff.' But the ultimate love story is in John 3:16 - 'God so loved the world (that includes you) that he gave his one and only Son (Jesus), that whoever (you) believes in him shall not perish (destruction, Hell, separation from God) but have eternal life (with God, Heaven).' Now there's a love story.

Valentine4a Good conversation opener to use. -- For God so loVed the world thAt He gave his onLy bEgotten soN thaT whosoever belIeveth iN him should not pErish but have everlaSting live. ...

If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it. If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it. .... Face it, He's crazy about you. ... The Bible is full of 'Valentine' stories - Isaac and Rebekah in Genesis 24 and 26; Jacob worked fourteen years for Rachel's smile in Genesis 29; and Song of Solomon is 'hot stuff.' But the ultimate love story is in John 3:16 - 'God so loved the world (that includes you) that he gave his one and only Son (Jesus), that whoever (you) believes in him shall not perish (destruction, Hell, separation from God) but have eternal life (with God, Heaven).' Now there's a love story.

 Easter. Each of these two pages makes 2 each of 2 different postcards  TheBackPew cartoons are used with permission. There is the "First Empty Tomb Dash" and "CSI Empty Tomb" and "For Sale Single Owner Tomb only used three days..."

 Thanksgiving-Student and Thanksgiving-OldTestament and Thanksgiving-StoryOfSquanto. Three good postcards for Thanksgiving. A coworker had told me he was Jewish. I gave him the card with the verses from Jeremiah and 1Chronicles and said I made these up specifically with him in mind.

"WhereGod WantsMe"
This self-running PowerPointSlideshow was sent to me once in 2003 (WhereGodWantsMe.pps without sound and a smaller file) and again 2/29/08 by Sheila (WhereGodWantsMe2.ppswith sound, a larger file). Thought provoking about how God may choose to orchestrate your life. Yes, WE make choices. But, yes, He IS in control. That verges into a realm of deep theological questions.
For 3/1/08, I sent this as part of the daily emailed devotional.

3/1 - WhereGodWantsMe

Sheila sent me this file, a PowerPointPresentation. I've included the text here, attached the PPS file to the email, and will post it at the www.CrimsonWhite.org website on the [Download] page.

Some things happen often; some rarely; some regularly; some happen once in a lifetime. Friday was a Feb 29th. That happens almost every 4 years (it skips century years that are not divisible by 400, like 1900 was not a leap year). It won't happen on a Friday making 5 Fridays in February again until 2036. Today is someone's birthday and Marie and my anniversary, #39 this year. That happens every year. A decision to follow Jesus... it happens once, but then it is a daily decision to keep following.

"Where God wants me"... You can fight Him. Or you can surrender to Him. He knows the outcome. He can orchestrate the neatest plans... like the old TV show, The A-Team," and how they had these intricate plans and at the end of the show, the closing line was, "I love it when a plan comes together." Like I met Marie when I started dating a girl and I drove to her house one Saturday evening, she broke it off, the Michigan State Police officer was at the right place at the right time to catch me speeding and stopped me where there was a sign right in front of my car telling me that "First Baptist Church was 1 block to my left. And when I returned for Sunday School, there was ONE empty seat, right next to this really cute girl... and this summer that will have been 43 years ago (1965). -

I also received a letter from a student telling me their friend was killed in a car crash last week. In the margin they wrote "God lets us borrow life!"

Selah. Think about that a moment.

Have a blessed day.


Attached: WhereGodWantsMe2.pps

or go to www.CrimsonWhite.org; go to the Downloads page; you'll find it there, too.

Where God Wants Me

I heard a story of a man on business whom I will never know, but I know God wanted me to hear his story.

He was head of security at a company that had invited the remaining members of a company who had been decimated by the attack on the Twin Towers to share their office space. With his voice full of awe, he told the stories of why these people were alive and their counterparts were dead. All the stories were just little things. .

You might know about the head of the company who got in late that day because his son started kindergarten.

Another fellow was alive because it was his turn to bring donuts.

The one that struck me was the man who put on a new pair of shoes that morning. He took the various means to get to work, but before he got there, he developed a blister on his foot. He stopped at a drugstore to buy a Band-Aid. That is why he is alive.

So, Now when I am stuck in traffic, miss an elevator, turn back to answer a ringing telephone... all the little things that annoy me... I think to myself, this is exactly where God wants me to be at this very moment.

May God continue to bless you with all those annoying little things.

A Tiny Voice Inside

Have you ever been just sitting there and all of a sudden you feel like doing something nice for someone you care for...

Have you ever been thinking about somebody that you haven't seen in a long time and then next thing you know you see them or receive a phone call or letter from them...

Have you ever received something wonderful that you didn't even ask for, like money in the mail, a debt that had mysteriously been cleared, or a coupon to a department store where you had just seen something you wanted, but couldn't afford…

Have you ever been in a situation and you had no clue how it is going to get better, but now you look back on it...

Do you think that this E-Mail was sent to you by chance?

I was thinking of You!

This message was sent to me by a close friend and please pass it on to all of your good friends.

Keep this going for an eternity.


Downloadable collection about "The Da Vinci Code" movie

5/7/06  With such interest in the book that was published and now the about to be released movie, there has also been much written critiquing the Da Vinci Code. This is a short collection (39 pages) of articles and resources.       Rich
How to USE The Da Vinci Code  Comentaries from Chuck Colson have loads of crossreferences at the end. There are also articles from Christian History and similar. Also references for several books and lectures on CD and DVD. Also available as a MS Word file if you want to copy parts, edit, hopefully the hyperlinks will work and take you to dozens of other resources, or for whatever reason. (Word files can be "tricky" in that if you have a version older than what created the file, I use Word 2002, or don't have a font that was used, it can really mess up trying to read the file, and particularly graphics can go really crazy, or it just simply may not open at all. That's why almost all the downloads posted at this web site are Acrobat files.)

Crimson & White Ministires
4401 Wild Oak Lane
Greensboro, NC 27406
(336) 674-7564

All content ?Crimson & White Ministries 2006


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